I'm Angry Enough to Change Myself

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Month 3: Day 2

On Monday 30 October, I did the following exercises:

1. 20 skips
2. 1 km equivalent of bike ride
3. 30 sit-ups
4. 15 leg squats....

I was 108kg!! YAY!!!...I always do plenty of exercise during the weekend by way of cleaning the bathroom; ironing; taking Fenix for longer walks--that's it!!!!

then I stupidly go and have some fish burger that afternoon in town!:-((

Poh, pooh, pooh.

It's Month 3, Day 2, and I am back to 110kg!:-( Didn't realise that it would have such a drastic effect. Coupled with that also was having stuffed almost myself with choc biccies on Tuesday (circa 3 PRINCE biccies)that you can see pictured above.

ON the healthier side, though, I have been eating cheese, tomatoe and sliced meat sandwich for breakfast for the past three days. Today included. I got some nice, brown bread, put sdliced tomatoes (fresh) inside; some cheese, and had some coffee. So DELICIOUS!

I will be sticking to that for some time, knocking back the cheese, by using half and the meat by using the same amount.

I suspect I could do better on these:
1. Fenix's walk (vigorous and longer!)
2. faster and more rigorous sit-ups
3. more stretches during the day--why not?
4. NOTHING, NA-DA, NA-DA, and NA-DA after 10pm!!!!
5. greater mental and psychological discipline

I drank 1 litre-plus of water yesterday, but NO change, yet:-(



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